Having recently returned from taking a break in the sun, I still find myself in holiday mode, which, when I come to think of it, is a bit rich, coming from a man of leisure. To make matters worse, I've yet to be tempted back to the modelling bench, a situation not helped, by what must be the finest Bank Holiday weather in recent years, well at least in our part of the country! Anyway, before we left these shores, a little progress was made on the layout, and this post more or less brings things up to date.
After much thought I decided to sink the lever frame into the Titley Junction cassette deck. It could easily have been fitted at the Llanbister Road end, but being right handed I found it easier to operate the levers from the Titley end of the layout, eventually the frame will be hidden from view by the creamery
This is how things currently look at the Titley end, the bridge, which is made from foamboard, with styrene detail is almost complete. It will carry nothing more than a simple cart track over the railway, so its narrower, than would usually be the case.
This is the sort of scene that I have in mind, though perhaps more open, the creamery would be partly shielded by the bushes and trees to the right. At the moment the creamery is being represented by the part relief structure from the old layout, whilst I faff around with a mock up for the new building. I've also extended the backscene support, so that it wraps around the cassette deck, which will be partly scenic.
Its a dodge that I used on 'Penhydd', but in this case the creamery will not be modelled in full. The cassettes dropped in place between the backscene and the rear of the building. The arrangement worked well for my limited operating sessions, but more space in which to manoeuvre the cassttes would have made things easier.
A rare photo of '4560' in charge of a passenger train, thanks to Bachmann its never been easier to have a top class model of one of these engines, and there is no longer any excuse for running large tank engines such as a 61XX on a branch line layout. That's unless they happen to be one of your favourite engines :-)
On a different note, Pauls blog post on the recently introduced Collett coaches from Hornby, and Gerry Beales article on improving them in MRJ, No.247, have given me food for thought. To begin with, at only a scale 57 ft long, they are ideal for small layouts such as mine, and as Gerry has shown they don't need much work to lift them into a different class. So I've converted one of my Hawksworth coaches back to '00' and sold it on, the proceeds of which will fund the coach you see here. I'm also hoping to spray my Comet A44 driving trailer whilst the weather is favourable, along with one of my old Bachmann suburbans. Meanwhile at the other end of the layout, the twelfth coat of varnish is waiting to be added to the river, alas its far too nice here to be stuck inside, so it will have to wait a little longer.